Registration form

The European University EURECA-PRO, a key player for the SDG 12

12th of June 2024 | Maison Irène et Frédéric Joliot-Curie, 100 rue du Trone, Brussels, in the European district, Belgium

Data protection

I agree that my data may be collected, processed and used by EURECA-PRO alliance. The data collection and temporary storage is carried out for organisational reasons and serves the purpose of carrying out the event: The European University EURECA-PRO, a key player for the SDG 12. Further information can be obtained from the EURECA-PRO team. The data will not be linked with other personal data and will not be passed on to third parties who are not connected with the event mentioned.

Oh no, you're a bit late. Registration for this event is now over.

*In the course of your participation in a EURECA-PRO event, you might be photographed or recorded (including audio recordings). These recordings can be used in various media (print, TV, online, etc) and in publications (print, online, etc) for the purpose of public relations. There is no financial compensation for this. In addition, the recordings might be used for documentation purposes. There is no legal obligation to provide your data (creation and use of recordings), however, in case you do not want to provide your data a participation in EURECA-PRO events where recordings are made is not possible. The image and video recordings (including audio recordings) are stored as long as legally permissible or necessary for the purposes for which they are processed.

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