Summer school CEAD
2024 Edition

21-26 of April, 2024 @ Hasselt University, Belgium

Last week, Hasselt University welcomed 36 students of which 23 from their 8 EURECA-PRO partners through the CEAD Summer School. The Circular Engineering Across Disciplines (CEAD) topic of 2024 was focused on reducing carbon footprint in industry and beyond.

The on-campus segment took place at UHasselt campus from April 21st to April 26th, 2024. Participants immersed themselves in modules exploring Carbon Footprint Reduction, AI in Industry, Circular Thinking, and more. Lecturers: Prof. Fabrice Lemoine (Université de Lorraine) & Prof. Oreski Gernot (Montanuniversität Leoben) enriched the experience. It concluded with company visits to Soltech & Sirris (Thor Park), demonstrating how circular solutions are already being embraced today.  The virtual component ensued from April 26th to May 5th, 2024, ensuring continuity of learning and collaboration beyond physical constraints.

This summer school is an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive programme organized by the Faculty of Engineering Technology of Hasselt University in close collaboration with KU Leuven and the EURECA-PRO network. Big thanks to the dedicated organizers from the UHasselt Faculty of Engineering Technology for orchestrating this transformative event!

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