From Research to Reality:
Celebrating the Successful Completion of RE-EURECA-PRO
RE-EURECA-PRO has come to an end!
The Research and Innovation Dimension of EURECA-PRO, which was a “Science with and for Society” HORIZON 2020 project, was completed in September 2024.
After 3 years of working together, our partners from 7 universities (MUL, SUT, TUBAF, HSMW, UP, ULE and TUC) developed 46 deliverables and achieved 16 milestones. More than 30 researchers and coordinators worked on RE-EURECA-PRO between September 2021 and August 2024. Our team was very diverse in terms of gender (50/50), age (from 20 plus to 70 plus), university positions (from young researcher to rector) and professional as well as educational backgrounds. Together we formed a strong, creative and committed team.
Some numbers from the project:
- 7 Project Weeks
- 7 Children universities
- 7 final exhibitions
- 7 Letters of Intent signed by vice-rectors of research
- 4 workshops
- 1 start-up coffee event
- 2 Science Slams
- 1 new Gender Equality Plan
- 2 Common deliverables with other 24 alliances
- 2 Policy Briefs to EU
- 4 clustering activities with other alliances
Among our achievements are:
- All partners’ resources and capacities in science communication were analysed and a strategy concept to strengthen citizen participation was developed
- 2 Reports on interdisciplinarity and collaboration mindsets in the alliance
- Guidebook and cross-national strategy for the implementation of science communication formats
- Mapping of the regional economic set-up in relation to a specific SDG12 target
- Skills development for research excellence
- Implementation of the innovative research strategy for science and innovation-based life-long learning
- Model that enables to compare and recognise different research career developments across countries
- Recommendations for the alliance on: Researchers’ Career Development, Transversal Skills Training Programme, a healthy brain circulation in EURECA-PRORE
- Glossary of topics on diversity and inclusiveness and Barometer of Inclusiveness of Scientific Communities
- Summary on strategies, policies & case study evaluation of diversity and inclusiveness in the alliance Model
- Analysis of legal issues and good practices related to research
- Description of universities research and key laboratories
- Report on existing innovation structures and policies
- Joint innovation strategy for the EURECA-PRO Alliance developed
- Potential impact of innovation at individual university and EURECA-PRO level is assessed.
A big and heartfelt thank you to all partners of RE-EURECA-PRO!
Deliverables and milestones are always available at: