Materialize the future - online lectures @ UHasslet

Materialize the future!

08.04.2024 - 06.05.2024 | Online lecture series @ UHasselt Master of Materiomics

The UHasselt Master of Materiomics presents: 5 expert lectures on innovative materials design

On April 8, the third edition of our lecture series Materialize the future takes off 🚀 

This year, we have again an incredible line-up of speakers (even more impressive than previous years), with online speakers from as far as Chicago (Prof. dr. Sara Kadkhodaei) giving us insights into the use of AI in materials design from the computational perspective. As robots and computers can not be kept out of the lab Prof. dr. Helge S. Stein will show us how High-Throughput automation and distributed research can help us efficiently design new materials. Further, we will learn how a gemstone like diamond can be at the heart of future quantum technologies (Prof. dr. Petr Siyuchev), how hydrogels can play a role in medicine (Prof. dr. Matthew Baker) and how plastic waste can be a useful source material (Prof. dr. Louis Pitet).

Event’s objectives are to connect to as much people as possible in the field of materials science and also to let people know what the pillars of our master’s programme are about: materials for health, energy, circularity, quantum computational methods.

Participation is free, but registration is mandatory

After registration, participants will receive a link of the Google Meet of the lecture

Event coordinator: Sarah Doumen



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