EURECA-PRO for Ukraine

8 April, 2022

EURECA-PRO activities and help for Ukraine

The European University on Responsible Consumption and Production EURECA-PRO in solidarity and support with Ukraine carries out through its partner universities a set of activities and help support for students, researchers and alumni from Ukraine, activities and help support like:

  • Organisational help for students;
  • Students who fled Ukraine are welcome to continue study programmes;
  • Support for academics and PhD students to continue their work;
  • Support Hotline (also via WhatsApp and Telegram);
  • Financial help;
  • Psychosocial support;
  • Individual support;
  • Actions to collect humanitarian aid and donations;
  • Flexible and attractive study conditions, as well as exemption from costs of studies;
  • Free accommodation in a student dormitory;
  • Medical services;
  • Assistance in individual development and job seeking.

For additional information, contact details and what help each partner university can offer, please see the following links:

Silesian University of Technology (SUT)

Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange:

Montanuniversität Leoben (MUL)


Mittweida University of Applied Sciences (HSMW)

HSMW provides the following services to help students, researchers and alumni from Ukraine, but also from Russia and Belarus who might be cut of from home and resources:

      Organisational help for students: for example, the departure of students from Ukraine who are already enrolled, the extension of the stay of Ukrainian students in Germany, the application for scholarships and other support services, the suspension of examination deadlines and the granting of holiday semesters.

      Students who fled Ukraine are welcome to continue study programmes in Mittweida even if they did not study here or in a partner program before. Possibilities include German courses to apply for German-language degree programmes, taking single English-language modules, enrolling in English-language degree programmes like Applied Mathematics (BA and MA) and Industrial Management (MA), or registering as a guest student (free of charge).

      Support for academics and PhD students to continue their work at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, e.g. accommodation.

      Support Hotline (also via WhatsApp and Telegram): to reach English-speaking contact persons, set up by the student council.

      Financial help: HSMW’s Student Council has set up a “Ukraine donation account” where donations can be made. The money is used to cover missing financial support from the home country of students and alumni.

      Psychosocial support: After contacting the Social Contact Point, people in need will be referred to suitable English- or Ukrainian-speaking contact persons, pastors and psychosocial counsellors. This service is explicitly available to all those directly and indirectly affected by the war in Ukraine, regardless of their university affiliation.

      Individual support: The university and its Student Council together with Netzwerk Mittweida e.V. organise further offers of help – be it the referral of employees and students who want to help personally or the collection of donations in kind and supplies at least two transports with aid supplies and relief goods have been organised and send to Ukraine (news article in German:

Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg (TUBAF)

Technical University of Crete (TUC)

TUC works with/supports local authorities (the Municipilaty of Chania) and other entities (the Hellenic Red Cross) to collect humanitarian aid and donations

Universitatea din Petroșani (UP)

University of Petrosani has established since the early days of the Ukrainian conflict the following measures:

– has allocated space for accommodation in a building with 40 fully equipped studios, internet access;

– a catering line has been provided to the Crisis Cell;

– has established a collection point where, together with the Students organisations: Bessarabian Students ‘Association and the University of Petroșani Students’ League, where the aids were deposited and after that were transported at the fronteer Customs.

– volunteers were identified as translators;

– medical services were provided.

– every ukrainean student interested in studying at our University is granted a scholarship from the National Governement , the university assures full support for the recognition of studies

Universidad de León (ULE)

EURECA-PRO actions:

As a first action of EURECA-PRO we would like to mention the free online course “Innovation & Entrepreneurship” offered to Ukrainian students.

EURECA-PRO free online course on ““Innovation & Entrepreneurship” consisting of 14 lectures presented by leading professors and researchers of seven European universities from six countries was offered to students of Lviv Polytechnic National University to join.

Further actions, regarding Lviv Polytechinic University as well as other Ukrainian universities are planned.

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